GLOCAL Connect

News & Events

HKU Ferry Ride

Date: 3 November 2024

Take a break from your studies and join us for a refreshing ferry ride with students from diverse cultures. Enjoy refreshments, a magic show and a special sharing session by a HKU student athlete who competed in the 2024 Olympics. While on board, you can relax and enjoy the breathtaking view of the Victoria Harbour.

Tea Gathering

Date: 4 October 2024

Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

The delightful tea gathering where GLOCAL Connectors and their Connectees can come together in a relaxed environment to catch up with each other. They will enjoy a variety of delicious snacks and drinks while sharing experiences and building stronger connections within their team. This is a wonderful opportunity to foster a supportive and inclusive environment, where everyone feels connected and supported. 

GLOCAL Connector Kickoff

Date: 30 August 2024

The Kickoff event is the perfect opportunity for 50 GLOCAL Connectors (current students) to meet and welcome new non-local undergraduates to campus. This exciting gathering will feature refreshments, music, as well as alumni sharing and a chance for students to connect and socialize in a fun and welcoming environment. It’s a great way to build a strong and supportive community while celebrating the diversity of our student body. Participants will have a chance to make lasting connections and start their University experience on the right foot!

Training Workshop for GLOCAL Connectors

Date: 24 August 2024

Our GLOCAL Connectors are about to embark on an exciting journey towards excellence in their role, thanks to the training workshop led by a professional trainer. The workshop is expertly designed to equip them with the essential skills and knowledge required to connect with students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The comprehensive curriculum will cover everything from cultural awareness and sensitivity to facilitation skills and team building techniques. Through interactive simulations, they’ll develop practical strategies to engage with people from all walks of life and build meaningful connections. 

Request for a GLOCAL Connector

Date: From 31 July to 5 August 2024

CEDARS has recruited current students to serve as Connectors. They will be matched with new non-local undergraduates to share campus life insights, answer questions, and help navigate university life. If you would like to connect with a current student as a Connector, refer to the email invitation to new non-local undergraduates and register asap.

ConnectHK Activities

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GBA Discovery Tour

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